Each one of our products is carefully handcrafted with genuine healing stones locally and ethically sourced by small artisans in Brazil. The layers of metal and eco-resin with carefully selected crystals aid in a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances resulting from our current environment💕
What is Orgone Energy and how can it change my life?
Orgone energy is similar to what the ancients have called prana, chi, or universal energy. Orgone energy is present in living things and flows throughout the universe. You can harness this vital life force energy and amplify it so you heal yourself from within, manifest your intentions and desires.
Some of the benefits of Orgone energy:
✅ Get rid of negative energy around you
✅ Helps relieve stress and anxiety
✅ Protection against EMF (5G, WiFi, Cell towers, etc)
✅ Helps with spiritual and psychological growth
✅ Supports restful sleep
✅ Strengthen intentions and visualizations
Stones Healing Properties✨
Clear Quartz (or White Quartz)
♥ Harmony ♥ Energy ♥ Healing ♥ Clarity ♥ Calmness.
Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and is believed to amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It is believed to absorb, store, release and regulate energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, and is considered helpful in neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.
Caring For Your Gemstone Jewelry
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